Family Caregiver Readiness
Posted By Maryann Porosky On JUNE 13,2017
At Caring Choices, we understand that life is full of surprises. And as a family caregiver, it's to everyone's benefit if you can be prepared ahead of time. This month we look at being prepared on several fronts:
Talking to your parents about money. It's wise to be prepared to step in if something comes up that leaves your parent unable to handle his or her finances. But money can be a sensitive and very private topic. Plus being in control of one's own finances is a powerful symbol of independence. Best to step gingerly and approach the subject well ahead of an urgent need. Check out our simple conversation starters.
Is it sepsis? Consider "sepsis" and call the doctor immediately if your loved one is battling an infection and seems to suddenly get confused and lose energy. Sepsis is not a contagious disease. It's the body's overreaction to an existing infection. Unfortunately, it can be very serious! Between 15% and 30% of people who go into sepsis die. It's important to know the signs.
If the unexpected happens. So many family caregivers are diligent about making sure a dependent loved one has immediate support, such as a medical ID bracelet or a personal emergency response system. But what about you? Suppose you have a car accident. Or you faint. Or get injured and are unconscious. Who will know to get help to your relative if something unanticipated happens to you?
Want help with your preparations?
As the north New Jersey experts in family caregiving, we know what you are facing. And we know ways to simplify the process of preparation so you can put your plan in place quickly and rest assured that those unforeseen needs are addressed ahead of time as much as can be. Give us a call at 973-627-4087 and find out how we can be part of your response team.